Musings on October
I thought I'd take the opportunity to update a few of my goals from last month, and my progress on them.
#2: Spend no more than one hour each day on the internet: I'm happy to report that I'm making progress on this item. Certain goals (such as blogging about tasks,, etc.) are in direct opposition.
#5: Spend five minutes each week taking clutter out of the cars. I've discovered that there's a lot more than five minutes worth of clutter... it's more like 60 minutes worth.
#12: I've been working on the laundry room for the last month. It's not quite to where I want it to be, but it's much improved. I've excavated the back corner and have found many things (rocks. old gym shorts, etc.).
#23-33: Doing things for entirely selfish reasons: I'm really bad at these. I think I almost should have added more of them to the list, because I simply never find time for a pedicure, a community class, or an indulgence. I did manage to go see a movie (with my family), and attended a wine tasting.
#37: Floss every day. There's no doubt about it; I'm a very indifferent flosser.
#40: Run an 8-minute mile. This is definitely one of the hardest goals for me. Sabrina can run an 8:06 mile. Fiona ran her half mile in 4:30. I'm struggling to run my mile in 9:17 and have a long way to go.
#43: Read a new, non-fiction book each month. I've started both Deluxe (how luxury lost its luster) and The Wordy Shipmates, by Sarah Vowell. Both are interesting, and I feel like I'm getting out of a rut. Now I just need to actually finish both of these books. But it's a start...
I replaced a few items on the list. Apparently I'm just not very interested in the idea of a "Stressed-Out" money jar, because I couldn't even get myself to start one.
So what did I actually accomplish?
48. Register in the National Bone Marrow Donor program
56. Volunteer as an Educational Counselor for MIT
96. Keep adding to the list as I find out what’s really important to me.
99. Inspire one person to make a list of their own. (1/1)
101. Create an Excel chart for tracking my list activity!
Apparently I love charts. Mine is color-coded, cross-referenced, and well-updated!
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