Wednesday, September 28, 2005

An accidental eavesdropper

I learned a lot today.

I discovered that there is a US Open Pheasant Championship. Apparently, there's still time to find a good litter of dogs, and get a special deal on pheasant-training. I heard about a nine-year-old computer (do any of those still work?) and how any idiot can access Morningstar stock reports (hmm, I think I know one). I even heard about the 'deal of a lifetime'.

My new acquaintance with these things came from some lunch conversation ... a stubborn, opinionated, narrow-minded, and above all LOUD man at a neighboring table.

My sympathy is sent out to his lunch companion, who (as far as I could tell) couldn't get a word in edgewise. Likewise to his server... given his opinions on money management, I suspect she got stiffed in the tip, unless his friend was paying.

So what - aside from some useless trivia - did I really learn? that a fool will seize the opportunity, again and again, to prove his folly. And that it is unwise to hold a private conversation in a restaurant!


Blogger Canton Mommy said...

Ugh, that makes eating out very distasteful. Really. Pheasant Open? Who knew!

3:51 PM  

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