Monday, October 05, 2009

Diane's 101 list: A work in progress

My List:
In Progress
Not yet started

For the Sake of being a Responsible Adult

1. Spend a few minutes at the start of each month to plan out tasks
2. Spend no more than one hour each day on the internet
3. Review progress each month on the 101 goals
4. Be on time for meetings
5. Spend five minutes each week taking out the clutter from the cars
6. Update all of my contacts into Yahoo Contacts
7. Make an informed vote in all local, state, and federal elections
8. Download and upload pictures from my Blackberry every month

For the Sake of the House

9. Clean and maintain the beach every spring and fall
10. Scrub and repair the paddleboat
11. Work with our neighbors to build a new retaining wall
12. Pick one room every month and focus on making that room a better place
13. Do an inventory of the wine cellar each year
14. Reclaim the storage room
15. Clean out one cupboard each month
16. Make the bed at least once each week

For Money's Sake

17. Track expenses every day
18. Set a weekly budget for food, including restaurants and groceries
19. Reduce it by 5% every month
20. Limit personal Starbucks expenditures to once per week.
21. Review 401k and stock portfolio quarterly and make changes as needed.
22. Start a savings account for Brianna

For 100% Selfish Reasons
23. Buy a small indulgence for myself once every month.
24. Take a fun and adventurous trip within six months of my fortieth birthday
25. Buy a good pair of sunglasses.
26. Get a pedicure
27. Sign up for a class or activity through the community
28. Go rock-climbing
29. Go to a movie
30. Load CDs into computer and into iTunes.
31. Shift my wine collection to 50% US / 50% world (90%/10%)
32. Go on a kid-free vacation with Derek
33. Go away on a moms’ weekend every year

For Health's Sake
34. Exercise 3x per week
35. Lose 12 pounds (0/12)
36. Take a daily vitamin and calcium pill
37. Floss every night

38. Row 1 million meters (2000/1,000,000)
39. Take a mental health day
40. Run an 8-minute mile
41. Do the Wine Country Half-Marathon

For Mental Growth
42. Write one poem every month and publish the results at the end of 1001 days
43. Read a new non-fiction book every month
44. Subscribe to (and read) a French-language magazine
45. Take a course through MIT Open Courseware
46. Attend an MIT Alumni leadership session
47. Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!

For Others

48. Register in the National Bone Marrow Donor program
49. Donate blood at least 2x per year
50. Listen to my friends and offer to help even when they don’t need it.
51. Save box-tops for Education and remember to shop online
52. Donate to anyone who is raising money through Team in Training
53. Donate 500,000 grains of rice through (1700/500,000)
54. Patronize local and family-owned businesses when possible
55. Invite friends over at least once each month
56. Volunteer as an Educational Counselor for MIT

57. Write thank-you notes without begrudging the time

For the Love of Family

58. Teach Brianna to read
59. Eat lunch with Sabrina and Fiona once each month at school
60. Have a ‘date’ lunch with my husband every week
61. Volunteer at Sabrina and Fiona’s school
62. Make a “Stressed-Out” money jar ($0.25)
63. Use the jar for fun family trips
64. Meet Grandma for lunch once a month
65. Read to Brianna’s class
66. Go to school assemblies every month
67. Plan a vacation with Grandma
68. Buy and install fire escape ladders for the second floor windows
69. Help my children to succeed at the things that are the most important to them
70. Work with Grandma on a family history
71. Remember to tell Derek how much I love and appreciate him

For the Sake of Making Things

72. Make a book of takeout options for each car
73. Try one new recipe each month
74. Attend at least one Paint& Wine night every year
75. Finish the photo book of our entire summer 2009 trip

For Fun
76. Write one song every two months
77. Create a lyrics library for favorite songs

78. Memorize the lyrics to ten songs for a performance
79. Host a wine dinner every year for friends
80. Find a way to sing in public more often
81. Learn to play golf
82. Join a rowing club
83. Dress up for Halloween
84. Write a children’s book
85. Rework “Terry the Tractor” and give it to Dad as a present
86. Listen to 1 podcast every month
87. Have bubble tea and cream puffs
88. Order omakase at a sushi restaurant, without any restrictions
89. Try a new restaurant every month
90. Buy season tickets to a theater
91. Wear vivid colors
92. Buy fun shoes
93. Bake cookies with my daughters
94. Try a completely new hairstyle
95. Visit the library every month

For the List

96. Keep adding to the list as I find out what’s really important to me.
97. Blog about each task as it is completed. (0/101)
98. Write a letter to myself on Day 1 to be opened on Day 1001.
99. Inspire one person to make a list of their own. (1/1)
100. Donate $5 for every task not completed.
101. Create an Excel chart for tracking my list activity!


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