What day is it, anyway?
It's Wednesday - I think - and I'm gradually adjusting to this time zone. I took a 4 hour nap yesterday, spent the next four hours on conference calls, and then went back to sleep. I popped awake at 3 a.m. convinced that I was already late - not conducive to going back to sleep - and abandoned the effort around 4:30 a.m.
The good news is that these early mornings are very good for me - sheer restlessness drives me to the fitness center! Yesterday was a 8km run and today I wimped out and only did 5 km.
Not much other news - yesterday was sort of an eat, sleep, and stagger-around-trying-to-look-awake day. Today should be a little easier.
Our house in Minnesota is thoroughly torn up - our floors are being completely refinished. Derek describes the house as a disaster of epic proportions, and I'm almost afraid to think about this. Hopefully the work will soon be done and my family will be back to normal!
I'm not even in another time zone and I spent yesterday staggering around trying to look awake thanks to a sinus infection and 2 sick kids. Today we are all a little better, thanks to antibiotics all around, and in my case, large amounts of caffiene.
As for the torn up house, I am sure that the satisfaction you will get when it is put back together will far outweigh any epic disaster terror incurred. Heck, just mopping the floors does that for me!
Sounds miserable - there's nothing like dealing with two sick kids when you would like to be curled up in bed. I hope you're feeling better! As for the house - I have it on good authority that it's no longer shrink-wrapped. But oh, what a mess...
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